Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I am writing this post to tell you guys about this really cool article I read recently on AI.It is a general article written by Push Singh on what he feels is the reason for failure of AI.

During its inception in early 1950s AI was heralded as the way to the future.Visionaries dreamed up futuristic worlds where your every whim and fancy would be fulfilled by intelligent robots.Billions of dollars were spend on numerous AI projects.But as you can guess the results were just not what the investors where expecting.Many high profile projects were dropped and a period called as AI winter followed.Most people started seeing AI as nothing more than a fluke and false claims. Most researchers started distancing themselves from AI and started calling their works with different names such as machine learning informatics etc..

But now things are looking better than ever before,many breakthroughs have been made in the fields of AI and machine learning.yet we have not yet achieved the ultimate goals of AI in creating a truly intelligent system.In this article Push singh points out to reasons which he believes are preventing us from achieving this goal .

for more information on AI winter.

this post is dedicate to the memory of Push Singh

the Future

Hello non existent readers
I know you must be waiting anxiously for my new post,So worry not and here it is finally, the second post(hopefully not the final) on my Blog.

Currently I am working on a seminar based on the topic of deep learning,a promising new area in machine learning.So in the next few days you can expect a series of posts on deep learning(or what i understood about deep learning after reading through all those papers) aptly named "An Idiot's guide to Deep Learning"(Idiot-obviously a reference about the author) .

Friday, July 9, 2010

What this blog is all about?

hello world! My name is sarath ,I am an undergraduate computer science student from India and this is my third attempt at becoming a successful blogger(well as they say third time is the charm).

And now comes the obvious question what is this blog about??
well in simple words this blog is all about me.I hope to use this blog as a platform to show the whole world my ideas and thoughts and more importantly I wish to use this blog as a journal of my journey through the vast world of machine learning,which i believe is my calling. (PS:before machine learning i had numerous other callings that i eventually dropped at least i hope this one's for keeps)